100 Cass Street, Griswold, Iowa 51535

Reverend Shirley Hoffman Will

Sunday School 9:15, Worship Service 10:30

Summer Hours: Sunday School 9:00, Worship Service 10:00

Phone: 712-778-4178

E-Mail Address for Church: giaumc@netins.net

E-Mail Address for Reverend Shirley: willfamily00@gmail.com

  Fall Christian education programs for children and youth will begin on Sunday, August 28th at 9:15 AM.  The Christian Education department has new and exciting things planned.  Adults and children alike are asked to bring someone with you to start the fall classes.  As an added incentive . . . .
August 28th is Ice Cream Sundae Sunday!  To celebrate our new beginnings, the Christian Education department is sponsoring a free sundae for everyone after worship, about 11:30 pm.  Several individuals are suppling the ice cream and bowls.  We are asking for you to bring your favorite topping.  Before church please drop your topping off near the upper kitchen.  Someone will be setting things up for us so we can all partake after worship.  (I believe it was mentioned, “Life is short.  Eat dessert first!”)
We are updating our address list, could you please inform us your cell phone number and your email address.  You can send it to us at giaumc@netins.net or drop it by sometime.  I also would like to have the address, phone and email address of your children if possible too.  Thanks so much –Kathy
Our prayers and sympathies go out to the family and friends of: Jay Hoogeveen, he passed away July 3, 2016 at his home.  A celebration of Life was held on Saturday, July 16th at the Griswold Community building.
   Daryl “Jack” Slama, passed away on July 10, his funeral was held at the church on Saturday morning, July 16.
You are invited to a Retirement Open House for Dwight’s 40 years of Service in the Iowa United Methodist Church on Saturday, August 27, 2016, from 3-8 PM. It will be held in the Fellowship Hall at the Lake City Union Church, 206 W. Main St., in Lake City. Cheryl and daughters, Jessica and Rebekah, are hosting the event.  If you are unable to attend, but would like to send him a card of congratulations, their new home address is 220 N. Olive St., Lake City, IA 51449.  Thanks so much!  Cheryl
Is there anyone at home who would be interested in watching the worship service at home?  We do make DVD’s of the service and take to the Care Center, we can do the same for anyone who is homebound. We even have individual DVD players that you can watch the service on.  Call the Church office 778-4178 and let Kathy know if you would be interested
Rev. Shirley Writes:
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Like Jesus’ disciples, Paul, “I thank my God in all my remembrance of you.”  (Philippians 2:4).  Thank you, thank you, thank you! 

Thank you for . . .
. . . welcoming me so warmly – even before I got here!
. . . helping me during move in day.
. . . working on the parsonage both before I arrived and even since!
. . . “bearing with me” as I try to figure out the routine and probably mess things up with a new routine.
. . . being so encouraging as I try to minister in this place while also trying to unpack the office and my home!
. . . for sharing your bounty with me – both from the “pounding” and from your gardens!  I love your home grown treasures!
. . . accepting me the way I am.
. . . for being so encouraging.  I work so much better in a positive environment!
. . . for having such good staff for me to work with – Kathy and Kyla are the best!  (I’m surprised you didn’t ask for a pastor whose name begins with “K”)!
. . . the Staff-Parish giving me such a nice welcome complete with birthday cake!
I hope there’s no one I forgot! 
Please pray with me for our church as we “set the course” for the days and months to come.  Ask God that we may grow ourselves as we help others to know of God’s love and Christ’s amazing grace.

Rev. Shirley Hoffmann Will

August Scriptures

 7.  Isaiah 1:1, 10-20, Psalm 50:1-8, 22-23, Hebrews 11:1-3, 8-16, Luke 12:32-40
14. Isaiah 5:1-7, Psalm 80:1-2, 8-19, Hebrews 11:29-12:2, Luke 12:49-56
21. Jeremiah 1:4-10, Psalm 71:1-6, Hebrews 12:18-29, Luke 13:10-17
28.  Jeremiah 2:4-13, Psalm 81:1, 10-16, Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16, Luke 14:1, 7-14

August Responsibility List
  7.    Lindsay Preston & Laynie
  14.   Rich Witt
  21.  Kay Hoye
  28.  Marcia Anderson
  7.    Shirley Adams
  14.   Ray Wilson
  21.  Bette Tye
  28.  David Adams
   7.  Milton & Laura Amos
           Carol Johnk & Vivian Swearns
   14.  Gaylan &Jean Holst
            Troy & Deb Sederburg
   21   Duane & Karen Woodward,
            Robert & Bonnie Redding
   28.  Dennis & Linda Nissen,
            Steve & Stephanie Kimpson  
Communion –help serve
   7.  Chuck Rieken
Communion– Set Up
7.  Duane & Karen Woodward


Pastor Shirley first Sunday as our Pastor will be July 10 (Griswold Reunion weekend)
So the welcome meal –a potluck salad lunch is scheduled for –Sunday, July 17.

~~ Special Summer Music ~~ If you would like to sing or play an instrument some Sunday during worship, we would enjoy hearing from you.  All you have to do in Contact Nancy Freeman –she is in charge of the Summer music calendar.

Thanks to all who have responded to the UMW bakeless bake sale.  We have raised $1,123.00 and it didn’t require a lot of work in the kitchen and didn’t add any calories to our diet either.

ATTENTION:  to anyone who uses the kitchens (downstairs or upstairs) please take home all your left over food & drink that is in the refrigerator & freezer when you leave.  So many times the left overs are left for weeks. If you are leaving food for use on Sunday morning, please leave a note stating it is for Sunday morning coffee, otherwise it will be tossed. Also, when you use the kitchens, make sure dishes are all washed and put away. Thanks.

Dear Griswold Church Family,
  Hello, and thank you for the nice welcome to your town and church - before I even arrive! I write this, it is my last full day "up north."The movers will be coming to me tomorrow, and I will arrive in Griswold on Tuesday.
   I am excited to meet everyone in my new church family and to begin our ministry time together. I'm not so excited about unpacking all the boxes, so I hope you will be gracious to me as I work on the time an energy consuming task! After everything is where it is supposed to be, I'd like to have a parsonage open house so you can see all the work that has been done there. Once again, thank you to all those who got everything ready for me to move into a nice home.
  As we get to know one another, I hope you will begin to trust me with your pastoral needs and care. I left my crystal ball in Lake Mills so please feel free to call me and tell me what is happening with you and yours. I will pray with you and for you and set a time to pray together in person if you want.
   Please be gracious to me, and remind me of your name the first five times we meet. I remember faces and personal stories, but names are hard for me. Plus there's a couple hundred of you and only one of me!
  I would welcome invitations to eat with you and your family or to do some kind of family activity with you. It helps me get to know people and to feel like I belong.
   One warning - I wilt in the heat! If it never got warmer than 65 degrees that would be fine with me. So if I look a little "limp" in the next few months, please know that it is not!!
   Well, I best get back to my boxes. Hopefully, all the boxes and me will be in Griswold by the time you read this! Happy July 4th weekend!
Rev. Shirley

July Scriptures
 2 Kings 5:1-14, Psalm 30, Galatians 6:7-16, Luke 10:1-11, 16-20
10.  Amos 7:7-17, Psalm 82, Colossians 1:1-14, Luke 10:25-37
17.  Amos 81-12, Psalm 52, Colossians 1:15-28, Luke 10:38-42
24. Hosea 1:2-10, Psalm 85, Colossians 2:6-15, Luke 11:1-13
31.  Hosea 1:1-11, Psalm 107:1-9, 43, Colossians 3:1-11, Luke 12:13-21

July Responsibility List
  3.    Kevin & Becca Drake & Family
  10.   Janet Weaver
  17.  Jan Brown
  24.  Peggy Casey
  31.   Deb Arp
  3.    Lisa Buchanan
  10.   Bob Amos
  17.  Joe Rush
  24.  Billie Wilson
  31   Janet Drake
   3.  Lynn & Pat Schaaf, 
            Rip &Carolyn Lukehart
   10.  Jim & JoBeth Reynolds
   17.  Dallas & Gail Maxwell,
           Chuck & Cindy Miller
   24.  Jerry & Shiona Putnam
            Joe &Kathy Rush
  31.   Scott & Angie Leighton
            Matt & Sandra Leighton 
10.  Janet Weaver

Do you still have your red 3 ring History book?  Well, if you do, I have something for you.  Yes, we finally got the updates –updated.  The last time we had any inserts for the history book was for the year ending 2002.  We have put the last 13 years into 25 pages. We also have included a new list of ministers—page 12. 

The class of 2016 will be graduating in just a few short weeks.  This year we have 5 seniors who will be in that special group of young men & women.
            Patrick Buchanan, the son of Danny & Lisa Buchanan,
            Porsche Carlton, daughter of Jim & Laura Carlton
            Jacob Reynolds, son of Jason & Jennifer Reynolds
            James Reynolds, son of Jason & Jennifer Reynolds
            Reagan Whitehill, daughter of Kevin Whitehill
We wish each and everyone the very best with whatever their future plans will be.  So join us here at the church on Sunday, May 15th, as we recognize these seniors, with a reception in the upper room at 10:00 a.m.

Sunday School Happenings —-It's hard to believe, but it's almost the end of the school year! You may be wondering what this means for summer Sunday school. The middle school/high school class will NOT be holding classes over the summer, but the rest of the youth classes WILL be holding classes. There may be some Sundays when all the children meet together in one class, but there will always be someone there for them. If you have any questions, please contact your child's teacher, or me. The adult classes will also continue to hold classes over the summer. We also are planning something different for VBS! There will be more information provided at a later date. ~Amy Smith 

    The church & parsonage improvements have been started:  The parsonage garage has been sided and a new doors and windows have been installed. Then, sometime in May we will be starting work at the church.  We are getting all new appliances and counter tops.  Some walls will have new drywall and painting will be done too. 
    Later on we will be doing more work at the parsonage and we are on the list for having tuck point work done at the church.
  It will be a busy summer!

Summer Hours will begin on May 31.  Kathy’s hours will be 8:00 –noon, M/T/W/F
Then on June 5 –worship will begin at 10:00 a.m. Sunday school at 9:00 a.m.
Farewell for Dwight June 12th / Welcome for Pastor Shirley June 26th
Watch next month’s newsletter for more information.

May Responsibility List
1.    Dan &Kim Kirchhoff
8.   High school class
15.  Troy & Deb Sederburg
22. Lindsay & Laynie Preston
29. Derek & Karly Byers
1.    Rich Witt & Tim Amos
8. Duane & Karen Woodward,
            Dennis & Linda Nissen
15.  Mike & Kyla Amos & family
22. Robert & Bonnie Redding
            Gaylan & Jean Holst
29. Milton & Laura Amos
            Jim & Kay Byers
1.    Marcia Anderson
8.    Gail Maxwell
15.  David Adams
22.  JoBeth Reynolds
29.  Rich Witt
1.   Chuck & Cindy Miller
 May Scriptures
1. Acts 16:9-15, Psalm 67,   John 14:23-29, Revelation 21:10, 22-22.5
8. Acts 16:16-34, Psalm 97,   John 17:20-26, Revelation 22:12-14, 16-17, 20-21
15. Acts 2:1-21, Psalm 104:24-34, Romans 8:14-17, John 14:8-17
22.  Proverbs 8:1-4, Psalm 8, Romans 5:1-5, John 16:12-15
29.  1 King 18:20-39, Psalm 96, Galatians 1:1-12, Luke 7:1-10