100 Cass Street, Griswold, Iowa 51535

Reverend Shirley Hoffman Will

Sunday School 9:15, Worship Service 10:30

Summer Hours: Sunday School 9:00, Worship Service 10:00

Phone: 712-778-4178

E-Mail Address for Church: giaumc@netins.net

E-Mail Address for Reverend Shirley: willfamily00@gmail.com

 Summer Hours
Office hours will be:   8:00 a.m. to noon  Mon., Tue., Wed., & Friday
Sunday school  9:00 a.m.   Worship Service 10:00 a.m.

Special Music: If you would like share your musical talent with us, please contact Nancy Freeman, who is in charge of the summer music  calendar.

Malaria update: We gave $1,528.97 in 2013, and so far this year we have given $ 700.00.       Our goal is $ 8,500.00 by the end of 2015. This averages out to $1.00 per person a week.

Robin Drake is looking for pictures of angels for her bulletin boards. If you would have any pictures or an old calendar with angels on it, you can bring them to the church office or directly to Robin. 

Sunday May 11 we honored Morgan Kimpson, a member of the Class of 2014 with a reception at 10:00 am. Then during worship we awarded him the Larry Fichter Memorial scholarship.  Good Luck Mo!

Last month I printed the newsletter with out realizing that we had received a memorial in Rosemary (Witt) Broderius name.  “Jesus, the Missing Years” was painted by child prodigy Akiane Kramarik in 2005 when she was 10 years old. The picture is hung up in the Sunday school music room. If you have access to the internet take the time to look up the artist –Akiane Kramarik, her story is truly amazing.

The Trustee & Parsonage committee had  a work day on Tuesday, May 20th at the parsonage.  They replaced windows, did some painting and power washed the deck to treat later on. 
Sometime this summer they will start work on the cement walk in front of the church. This last winter has been really hard on it.

Hello Friends in the Faith -
    I’ve been thinking and thinking about what to say to you this month.   The words just don’t seen to want to come together very well, but the time has come for the writing to be done.  As I write this, Cheryl is just a few days away from her surgery.  As that day get closer and closer it becomes all the more consuming for both of us.  We give thanks for all you who have not only held us in prayer, but also all of the ways that so many have reached out in love and care.  I know we are not the only ones you have loved and cared for.  Whenever any of us reach out in love and care for another, the love of God is made known and the life of the Church is strengthened.
    There are so many ways that we are connected to the Church, to God and the life of faith.  My life has been filled with thinking about these matters and my trying to grow ever more in love with God and all that God loves.  And then I keep trying to find ways to talk about that, and to write in ways that are encouraging and strengthening for others.  I know there are some who actively think about the life of faith, and regularly worship and give praise and thanksgiving to the LORD in public and private worship.  When that happens you are consciously endeavoring to have your whole life shaped and molded by the love of God.  This impacts all of the ways you love and give of your time, your talents, your gifts, your service and your witness.  I also know there are others who are supportive of the church with their prayers and their dollars, but who do not attend worship or study opportunities very regularly. There are also some who have found it important to have their name on the membership roles, and have come to believe that is all they need from the church.  Whether spoken or not, they give thanks that others have continued to support the church so that the Church is available to serve them in their time of need.
   Where ever you are in your life of faith, I invite you to reflect on your life and all of the ways that your life is woven together with the love of God.
   I hope that you grow evermore in love with God and each other.

          Blessings & Peace, Pastor Dwight

 The Spirit Wind blows here.

The Spirit Wind blows here
upon the church today.

The Spirit Wind blows here
upon the church.  Today
we begin to learn how to lift our sails.

The Spirit Wind blows here
upon the church.  Today
we begin to learn how to lift our sails,
catching the Holy breeze, we pray.

The Spirit Wind blows here
upon the church.  Today
we begin to learn how to lift our sails.
Catching the Holy breeze, we pray,
is the work of our lives, received as gift – grace.
The Spirit Wind blows …
June Responsibility list
1.   Stan & Marilyn Krisinger
8. Troy & Deb Sederburg
15.  Chuck & Cindy Miller
22.  Jerry & Shiona Putnam
29.   Kenny & Cathy Perdue
1.   Kevin & Donna Blair,  Dennis & Linda Nissen
8. Jim & Kay Byers, Duane & Karen Woodward
15.  Dillon Bechtol, Nick Buchanan,
                  Abby Leighton, Chelsey Leighton
22.   Matt & Sandra Leighton, Logan & Britany Weirich, 
29.   Dallas & Gail Maxwell, Gaylan & Jean Holst
1.    JoBeth Reynolds
8.    Bob Amos
15.   Billie Wilson
22.   Joe Rush
29.   Laura Amos  
1.  Joe & Kathy Rush