100 Cass Street, Griswold, Iowa 51535

Reverend Shirley Hoffman Will

Sunday School 9:15, Worship Service 10:30

Summer Hours: Sunday School 9:00, Worship Service 10:00

Phone: 712-778-4178

E-Mail Address for Church: giaumc@netins.net

E-Mail Address for Reverend Shirley: willfamily00@gmail.com

Dwight writes:   During this season of Lent we are preparing ourselves to be able to recognize and trust the power and presence of God.  As the Holy One touches our lives amazing things happen, and we soon discover that our lives will no longer ever be the same.  Following are three nestings where I seek to put some of this into words.  Not only do I hope these words speak to you, but I hope they in some way open your heart to the Holy in you.   Take your time and let the words wash over you ~ read them out loud if you can.
I invite you to join together with me in worshipping the LORD our God.  I hope to see you in church.
Blessings and Peace,  Dwight
”What can separate us from God’s love?  Wherever we go, we find it there; and if we don’t see it, we need to trust in its presence.” ...From Celtic Daily Prayer, p. 607
 “Only with your heart can you se clearly. The most important things are invisible to the eye.” (Antoine de Saint-Exuper’ty.  The Little Prince)
Light and dark dance.
Light and dark dance
together I the swirling spirit wind.
Light and dark dance
together, in the swirling spirit wind,
thundering forth the whispering Word.
Light and dark dance
together, in the swirling spirit wind,
thundering forth the whispering Word,
skipping through silence, Proclaiming.
Light and dark dance
together, in the swirling Spirit -Wind,
 thundering forth the whispering Word,
skipping through silence, proclaiming tenacious grace pulsating the gift of life.
Light and dark dance..
There is a door in my heart.
There is a door in my heart
that only you can open.
There is a door in my heart
that only you can open,
O Holy One.
There is a door in my heart
that only you can open.
O Holy One,
again remind me.
There is a door in my heart
that only you can open -
O Holy One—
Again remind me
of your Being, already,
            on both side so the door.
I try to change.
I try to change
from the outside in –from the inside out.
I try to change.
From the outside in –from the inside out
the Holy make me new.
I try. To change,
From the outside in-from the inside out,
the Holy makes me new
in ways that I never dreamed possible.

   Have you given a donation to Malaria this month?  The Ad Council would like for everyone who attends church to help with this project. So far we have given in 2013—$ 1,528.97 and in 2104—$ 592.00 our goal is $ 8,500.00 by the end of 2015. This averages out to $1.00 per person a week.

    I would like to thank all those who came in the end of February and helped put the Lenten books together.  Joan & Gerald Houser, Geneva Smith, Alice Leighton, Jeanette Bergstrom, Bette Tye, Carolyn Lukehart, Jan Brown, Pastor Dwight, Pat & Lynn Schaaf and the winner for coming the farthest was Diane Potter from Texas.   If it wasn’t for you all, I would still be stapling and folding Lenten books.-Kathy
On Thursday, March 27th the following people went to Mitchellville, Iowa to the  women’s prison to join them during their worship service: Lisa Buchanan, Dwight Grosvenor, Alice Leighton, Joe Rush, Amy Smith and Bette Tye.

   At the Ad Council meeting on Monday, March 24, we honored Nancy Freeman for her 40 years as Finance Secretary to the church.  It is a weekly job that a lot of people do not realize she does.  She collects and record’s the giving each week and sends out the quarterly statements on our giving.  All this is done, with love for her church.    Nancy, we  want to thank you for your many years as Finance Secretary, you do not get the recognition you deserve. –40 years is a long time.  Thank you from the bottom of our heart. 
 Blast Off VBS!-—"Launching kids on a mission of God's Love!"
Save The Date!          
Friday, August 1, 4-6:30 pm    Saturday, August 2, 9-11:30 am
Sunday, August 3, 10 am VBS/congregation worship service
              with potluck lunch following. Location TBD.

UMW News—
· Day Apart is in Carson UMC on Thursday, April 24
· May Breakfast is May 3 mark your calendar to attend this very special morning.
· UMW dues are $30.00 if you wish not to be called throughout the year for helping with this and that.  Although you will be called for the Fall Supper and that is when we need help from everyone.
· The UMW has voted to give an extra gift of $100.00 to Bidwell Riverside –they are having difficult times and are having to cut some programs. Bidwell Riverside has been going since 1893, serving the needs of the low-income people in the Des Moines  area. If you wish to make a donation to Bidwell –Write “Bidwell” in memo of your donation.
· Ingathering 2013 brought in $1,045,000.

 The Morning Circle has a new bunch of greeting cards and napkins in.  They are located in the upper room on the west wall, by the railing.  The UMW also has scrubbers and cell phone bags for sale.
 We have material in a box in the Upper room for Ingathering School bags. If you wish to sew up a bag the finish size is 14”wide x 16” long, with 22’ long handles.

 My sincere apologies to everyone for my wording in the Bulletin the last few months.  I had been writing that we were needing money for the TV/Video system. When in fact it had been paid for, from funds donated to this project and mainly from the money in the building fund.   I should have worded it differently. I guess what I was asking for was to replenish the funds we had used from the building fund. Sorry for the miscommunication.   Hope this clears up the misunderstanding if you still have questions, come talk to me. ~ Kathy Rush

  Lisa Buchanan is wondering if anyone has an old 20” or larger TV that they are no longer using.  Lisa’s does a lot with her Sunday school class and at least every quarter she has a fun day for the kids and they do crafts, eat and watch a movie.  Lisa is hoping that she can get a larger screen for the kids for their special days. If you can help her out, please talk with her or the church office. 

 100th celebration items
   Would you be  interested in getting:
1. A DVD video from the building’s 100th celebration,
2. A  CD of the record that was recorded in 1971, by Rev. Hohl, Randall Breckerbaumer, Marcia (Drake) Anderson  & Fred Lewis. 
Just let Dwight or Kathy know and we will see that you get a copy.  Cost is freewill donation.
We also are taking orders for copies of the pictures taken on that Saturday or Sunday. If you are interested the proof s & sign up sheet are in the upper room.  The cost is:  5x7 =$1.06      8x10 =$4.91
 April Responsibility list
6.    Kay Hoye & Jane Leighton
13.  Chris Leighton & Chelsea
20.  Danny & Kim Kirchhoff
27.  Dereck Byers & Karley
6.. Matt & Sandra Leighton
13. Tony & Carol Leighton,
            Bette Tye & Lisa Buchanan
20. Kay Cary, Deb Arp,
            Jeanette Bergstrom & Geneva Smith
7. Robin Drake, Peggy Casey,
            Doris Houser & Shirley Adams
6.    Marcia Anderson 
13.  David Adams
20.   Gail Maxwell
27.   Larry Jones
6.   Wayne & Bette Tye