100 Cass Street, Griswold, Iowa 51535

Reverend Shirley Hoffman Will

Sunday School 9:15, Worship Service 10:30

Summer Hours: Sunday School 9:00, Worship Service 10:00

Phone: 712-778-4178

E-Mail Address for Church: giaumc@netins.net

E-Mail Address for Reverend Shirley: willfamily00@gmail.com

Greetings in the name of the LORD - the Holy One!
    Sometimes it seems hard to imagine that we are on the beginning edge of 2014.  As I was thinking about what to say to you in this space, I discovered the following piece that I wrote some time ago, but that still speaks to me.  I hope it speaks to you as well. 
            It seems so dark.
            Here in the early morning,
            my mind is awhirl with bouncing thoughts
            and memories.  As I seek to pause ~
            writing in my journal ~ I discover
                        no matter where I lean
                                    I keep bumping into the Holy ...
                                    where grace rubs off on me .
    As we continue to live into this new year I think that our hope will continue to shape and mold us.  I would like to close with these words about hope.
Blessings and Peace - to you!
Pastor Dwight

Hope reveals its light for all to see, weaving
together the dreams of the past with images of the future.
give shape to present actions
we take time to pause, remember, reflect and dream.
In ways that continue to flesh out our hopes
we gather as peoples of faith
having put down our roots
into the faithfulness of the HOLY
soaring into the future
surrounded with the Mystery of grace.

 Surrounded with the Mystery of grace
hope reveals its light for all to see.
  • I will start work on the 2014 Lenten booklet.  That also means I need your help and input.  If you could take a few minutes to send me a Lenten devotion it would be greatly appreciated.  This year I will need your Lenten devotion by February 19th. Then on the next Monday, February 24 we will staple and fold them.  ~ Thank you, Kathy
  • The Church is always growing, and one way we are growing is with the purchase of 2 big screen televisions to be installed at the front of the Sanctuary on each side of the pulpit area, (above the air registers)
  • With these TV’s we will be able  to show video’s, have printed readings or pictures, and all kinds of programs that are currently done on a screen in the middle of the pulpit area or on the wall beside the cross.
  • The cost of this project will run $4,580.00. This cost includes the  2-60” TV’s, computer, brackets and labor. If you would like to help us grow, write Building project on your donation.  Thanks
January Responsibility list
5. Nick Buchanan& Dillon Bectol
6. Burnside family
7. Dennis & Linda Nissen
26. Logan & Britany Weirich   
5.   Troy & Deb Sederburg
12. Dallas& Gail Maxwell, Stan & Marilyn Krisinger
19.  Chuck & Cindy Miller,  David & Susan Adams
26.  Mike Amos family
5.    Kyle Drake
12.  Laura Amos
19.  Lisa Buchanan
26.  Gail Maxwell
5.  Joe & Kathy Rush